
Showing posts from January, 2015

Stopover 4: New Year with same old fats.

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome back after a long time. Sorry it was partially my fault as I was just too caught up with work. Oh well, what else would you expect from oh the perfect me? LOL. Anyways, another year went pass just like that and now we are all correcting ourselves, to making sure we write 2015, instead of 2014. Cant believe how quick time just went by, literally we blinked and BOOM! 2015 rushed in. Hope you guys had a good new year celeb. I was home, in my comfy pjs, eating some greasy food and shouting away happy new year with the family. It was just classic. So now that 2015 has rolled in, I thought that I need to push myself in getting some sort of exercise done if i wanna avoid looking like a huge giant potato. I dont like being all skinny and shit. Like you know, bones and skin, but I love the whole curvy sexy hourglass figure, with a bit of some some just to get me through the winter, if you get what I mean =P So today is the day I am officially starting my hea