Stopover 2: Money, Savings, Wedding and Kids.

Well, after that last post, not many bad days came my way, but a new issue has popped up, future. Which obviously includes making money, having a huge amount of savings, the wedding and yes, kids! But why when I am only at an age where all I wanna do is travel and explore the world? We start studying from the age of 3 and we study and study and study all the way to let's say 23,then we are to immediately find a good job, get a car as soon as your first paycheck comes in, then get a house, then talk about marriage.

What happen to enjoying life? When do we actually enjoy life? When we are married with 10 kids? Why then? Why not when we are young and with less commitments? I dont get the damn society. They can't run their life and make it perfect but they will come up with all kinds of rules and regulations and judge every tom dick and harry who is living in that crapped up community? Why cant be people be given their rights to life however they want? Why judge and judge and spend all your damn free time judging someone else's life?

So anyway, boyfriend was saying to me today that next year we are hitting an age where we have to look at saving money for the wedding, we need to get a house, and so on. Yes, we wanna save money and have a nice wedding, but when the time comes to get married and all we have is $50 000 then so our both weddings and dinner has to be just within $50 000. Yes our parents would always willingly chip in the extra money for us but why? It's us who fell in love and it's us who want to get married with that amount of savings. So be it. Our weddings are going to just be a simple one and the dinner, people would get enough food but no over the top performance and decorations.

I dont believe in taking a loan just to be able to get married lavishly cause I definitely dont want to start our marriage life with a huge ass debt to be paid while we are trying to build our family. It is just not right, well for me anyway. Leading a simple life as we try to build our family then have enough savings to have a kid or two is the most sense able thing to do. I am blessed with a partner who thinks very much like I do. But sadly our parents are like most of the social community that we live in. They care about what people are going to say about us, about the wedding, about the decorations, the jewelries and whatever else the bloody community can judge us on.

The non-expensive wedding.

                                                    The baby that comes afterwards.

 I guess we have to cross the road when the time comes. For now I am just going to chill and enjoy life as it comes, because I know as I grow older, things are never this chilled out.

That's just the two old us.


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