Stopover: A bad day.

Hello! =)

I was wondering what would my next post be about? Then I FINALLY realized today, I want to write about something I think many people can relate to,a bad day.

Most of us I think have gone through bad bad days but some are just blessed with wonderful ones. I unfortunately somehow have both. You see I work with an NGO and my boss is a lady. She is known as the dragon lady in the whole entire office. When I first joined, everyone asked me which department I am in? I replied confidently, Comms. They just had this horrified look. And many wished me good luck. That is the most feared department in the whole office. I told myself, I am not going to listen to their judgments before I experience it myself.

 Upon the first week, everything was good. But my boss did warn me sometimes things can get super ugly. Well, work went on well. I was very excited to get to work everyday. I actually loved work. It pushed me into learning new stuff and so on. Everyday was a good day for me.

Then after 2 months, suddenly I was stuck with this one particular project that just constantly didnt sit well. Everything I did was not right, no ideas were coming to me. I felt so drained and so un-creative. I told myself, this is all part of learning,buckle up and move forward. I did. And then the highest hurdle came along and broke me. I was in the midst of doing my work when I just broke down and cried. I couldn't take the pressure, the negativity and bad remarks that were constantly thrown at me. Not that I couldn't take bad remarks but I was doing a project without any guideline. I was tired, I was out of ideas and I was out of energy. I text my boyfriend explaining what happened. He said, just hold on. Things will get better soon. I went to the bathroom to clean up myself and came back to a message from my colleague. It said, "Hey,hold on! I know you can do it. Just take your time and show them." I smiled, thanking God for such blessings in my life when I need it the most.So I took the next day off and just let my mind rest for the whole day.I watched inspirational videos, listened to good motivational songs (Fireworks- Katy Perry) and just refresh  my whole creative idea box.

 I came back in today. Tougher than ever before, I sat down and got to work with all those fresh ideas popping through my head. I did and showed it to my boss. She was so impressed. She smiled and pat me on my shoulder and said," this is why I pushed you so hard." I smiled and thanked her for pushing me. I had a few bad days but my good days and positive people around me seem to cover up for all those bad days I had.

I just want you to know, yes you might be having one horrible horrible day, but hang in there, the silver lining is just forming. It just taking tad bit longer. God has amazing plans for all of us, just the matter of time.


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