Stopover 3: Bad Monday Blues.

Hey everyone! =)

I don't know who follows me or reads my blog, but if you have been following me, I am sorry for the longest disappearance ever! I was so busy with work, then thesis submissions and the festive seasons.

So yeah, it was crazy time at work, then I went back home for a few weeks to get some peace with the fam bam. Stuffed my face with good home cooked food and did a bit of work around the house. Then came back to work, was drowned with all last minute work. I was running around like a headless chicken. Pft. That is  an understatement really.

Anyways, then came the festive season. So in between helping mum clean the house and decorate it for some reason, I had to juggle between baking cookies and cakes, work that I was doing from home and socializing with the fam bam who decided to flood my house with their love and presence. It was energy drowning, badly. Went to bed everyday super tired and smelling like freshly baked cookies.

So after the holidays, I just got back to work after a whole week plus of holiday. I never understood Monday blues till I walked into office today. It was just depressing. I was tired and lacking of work. The hardest part trying to act all busy with my bosses. Thus, this post was formed! Monday blues is like just a day that you get your whole positive vibe sucked out from you. You just don't have energy to do anything and you just want to get in bed, all wrapped with a comfy blanket and sleeeeeeppppppp.

But too bad that's just life. Monday blues or Tuesday greens you have to work. So I am putting on my big girl panties and getting through my first every Monday blues like a big girl. Hope you guys are having a better Monday then I am.

Till next time when another day strikes me =)


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