
Stopover 7 : How many of them?

Hello readers, I actually dont know if I have any but mum said it is always polite to greet, so HELLO! Hope everything is fine with you guys. So as I was getting into bed, to read, the doorbell rang. I went to see who it was and it was a friend of my brother. He asked for my brother and said it was urgent. Mind you, this was already midnight. So ran and woke him up.Groggily he went out, and there they were, all his friends, yelling out 'SURPRISE!' with a cute little cake! It was his birthday and his friends had come over to throw him a small birthday party at home. They were loud and noisy, singing and all, but the whole scene had put a huge smile on my face. I have always been a sucker for surprises, no matter how small they are. So fast forward to the recent time, I just passed my yearly reminder on how old I am getting, YES, *roll eyes* birthdays! I pretty much woke up, same as always, felt a bit special as I had a few messages coming through wishing me for my birthd

Stopover 6: Satan named Temptation?

HI! *hides and peek from under the desk* Sorry for extreme extreme disappearance act that I did. I have just been in a very bad situation at work cause of some fucktards "bosses" of mine. Anyway, I just came across a movie; Tyler Perry's: Confession of a Marriage Counselor. I don't know if it's new or not; or whether you guys have watched it yet but I strongly recommend that movie. I'll just give you a quick ride through the movie. It is about this girl who marries her childhood love then cheat on him because of temptation. Temptation of money, body, and dreams. So I came to work today and was talking to a married colleague of mine. And I was saying, that I am blessed to be with someone who loves me for literally who I am. Like he doesn't care if I am in a hoodie or even just ugly shorts and t-shirts, he doesn't mind. My hair can be uncombed or even pinned up like a weirdo, he ignores. At times YES, I love to dress up. I only do that when I

Stopover 5: Food Trucks.

Hello! Been missing for quite sometime, I know. Busy bee at work. Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! So, I discovered, I have something new to add to my blog, to give it a bit more spice, LOL, if you get what I mean. Food, just not random normal food, but food trucks or food joints that are getting a lot of recognition. I have been to two food trucks so far and they were totally polar opposites. The first one is a newbie trucker. They are called  Cowboys Food Truck . They are a very basic typical cowboy truck. They have tortillas, pittas and my favourite, chicken wings with different sauces. The food was just a nice portion, could be even shared by 2 if you order more than one dish. They have really 'macho' names for their sandwiches but sadly, they ran out of it by the time we got there. The owner, was a very friendly guy. He started his cooking experience when he was in Texas, learning new dishes and stuff. So he decided to come back and let us taste

Stopover 4: New Year with same old fats.

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome back after a long time. Sorry it was partially my fault as I was just too caught up with work. Oh well, what else would you expect from oh the perfect me? LOL. Anyways, another year went pass just like that and now we are all correcting ourselves, to making sure we write 2015, instead of 2014. Cant believe how quick time just went by, literally we blinked and BOOM! 2015 rushed in. Hope you guys had a good new year celeb. I was home, in my comfy pjs, eating some greasy food and shouting away happy new year with the family. It was just classic. So now that 2015 has rolled in, I thought that I need to push myself in getting some sort of exercise done if i wanna avoid looking like a huge giant potato. I dont like being all skinny and shit. Like you know, bones and skin, but I love the whole curvy sexy hourglass figure, with a bit of some some just to get me through the winter, if you get what I mean =P So today is the day I am officially starting my hea

Stopover 3: Bad Monday Blues.

Hey everyone! =) I don't know who follows me or reads my blog, but if you have been following me, I am sorry for the longest disappearance ever! I was so busy with work, then thesis submissions and the festive seasons. So yeah, it was crazy time at work, then I went back home for a few weeks to get some peace with the fam bam. Stuffed my face with good home cooked food and did a bit of work around the house. Then came back to work, was drowned with all last minute work. I was running around like a headless chicken. Pft. That is  an understatement really. Anyways, then came the festive season. So in between helping mum clean the house and decorate it for some reason, I had to juggle between baking cookies and cakes, work that I was doing from home and socializing with the fam bam who decided to flood my house with their love and presence. It was energy drowning, badly. Went to bed everyday super tired and smelling like freshly baked cookies. So after the holidays, I just got

Stopover 2: Money, Savings, Wedding and Kids.

Well, after that last post, not many bad days came my way, but a new issue has popped up, future. Which obviously includes making money, having a huge amount of savings, the wedding and yes, kids! But why when I am only at an age where all I wanna do is travel and explore the world? We start studying from the age of 3 and we study and study and study all the way to let's say 23,then we are to immediately find a good job, get a car as soon as your first paycheck comes in, then get a house, then talk about marriage. What happen to enjoying life? When do we actually enjoy life? When we are married with 10 kids? Why then? Why not when we are young and with less commitments? I dont get the damn society. They can't run their life and make it perfect but they will come up with all kinds of rules and regulations and judge every tom dick and harry who is living in that crapped up community? Why cant be people be given their rights to life however they want? Why judge and judge and spe

Stopover: A bad day.

Hello! =) I was wondering what would my next post be about? Then I FINALLY realized today, I want to write about something I think many people can relate to,a bad day. Most of us I think have gone through bad bad days but some are just blessed with wonderful ones. I unfortunately somehow have both. You see I work with an NGO and my boss is a lady. She is known as the dragon lady in the whole entire office. When I first joined, everyone asked me which department I am in? I replied confidently, Comms. They just had this horrified look. And many wished me good luck. That is the most feared department in the whole office. I told myself, I am not going to listen to their judgments before I experience it myself.  Upon the first week, everything was good. But my boss did warn me sometimes things can get super ugly. Well, work went on well. I was very excited to get to work everyday. I actually loved work. It pushed me into learning new stuff and so on. Everyday was a good day for me